Wednesday 25 November 2009

Revolution vs evolution

This topic comes up time and again. What's more efficient? It seems that everyone only talks about and accepts one or the other as a course of action. Socialism or capitalism, overhauling the education system. I don't see it that way and I don't implement a one sided approach in my life.

My time honoured approach is a simple mix of evolution, constant iterative steps towards the next goal making and correcting mistakes along the way with managed revolution at appropriate stages. In software I evolve things by learning new tricks and approaches and then revolve over time by switching to a whole new framework or application.

In tennis I do this by learning simple ways to improve strokes but then have a revolution when I discover whole new tactical philosophies or that I can play left handed. I don't forget my previous skills, rather and I learn to accommodate all I've learnt.

So I constantly go through evolution and revolution. I've also written a separate post explaining that evolution is among us

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